Comunicado de prensa - 24 de enero, 2025
La Fundación "la Caixa" y el BID se unen por la inclusión financiera de las personas mayores
La organización de este foro de economía plateada in Barcelona es una iniciativa surgida a raíz de la firma, el pasado marzo, de un acuerdo entre la Fundación “la Caixa” y la Sparkassenstiftung Alemana (Fundación de Cajas de Ahorros Alemanas), para trabajar juntamente con el BID para fomentar la inclusión financiera de las personas mayores.

Press article - June 19, 2024
BID seeks to increase financial inclusion among adults over 60 years of age
The Silver Solutions initiative implemented by German Sparkassenstiftung, in collaboration with IDB Lab, seeks to improve and expand the financial inclusion of the over-60 population by reducing the digital divide and adapting the financial offerings for this sector in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Publication - May, 2024
Executive summary of the top down report of the opening doors project - contextualization and trends in elderly care.
There is a wide diversity among people aged 60 and over, it is important to know their lifestyle, attitudes, needs, current challenges, among other important aspects to favor the growth of silver finances in the coming years. Learn more information in this report by Asobancaria and Saldarriaga Concha Foundation in Colombia.