
El BID busca incrementar la inclusión financiera en adultos mayores de 60 años

Artículo de prensa - 19 de junio, 2024

La iniciativa de “Soluciones Plateadas” implementada por Sparkassenstiftung Alemana, en colaboración con BID Lab, busca mejorar y ampliar la inclusión financiera de la población mayor de 60 años, a través de la reducción de la brecha digital y la adaptación de la oferta financiera para este sector en Latinoamérica y el Caribe.

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Publication - May, 2024

Resumen ejecutivo - puntos críticos y experiencia actual de la atención de personas mayores de 60 años en entidades financieras

Learn about the findings of this report by Asobancaria and the Saldarriaga Concha Foundation on the financial needs and perceptions of people aged 60 and over regarding the financial system in which they have interacted through financial entities and actors in different cities in Colombia.

Publication - May, 2024

Resumen ejecutivo informe top down del proyecto abriendo puertas - contextualización y tendencias de atención a personas mayores.

There is a wide diversity among people aged 60 and over, it is important to know their lifestyle, attitudes, needs, current challenges, among other important aspects to favor the growth of silver finances in the coming years. Learn more information in this report by Asobancaria and Saldarriaga Concha Foundation in Colombia.

Publication - November, 2022

Silver Finance - Non-financial exclusion zone

It is increasingly evident that there is a risk of "financial exclusion" of the elderly due to the digital divide and the lack of products or services designed for their particular demands. This BID Lab pretende compartir algunas iniciativas en el sector financiero para adaptarse al envejecimiento de las personas.

Press article - March 15, 2024

“la Caixa” foundation agrees with German Sparkassen to promote finance inclusion in Latin America

“la Caixa” foundation is added as a partner in the German Sparkassenstiftung's Silver Finance project, developed in conjunction with IDB Lab, with the signing of a collaboration agreement to promote the financial inclusion of the population aged 60 and over in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Event – December 6, 2023

The “Silver Solutions Program” call for proposals is now open!

During the III Silver Meeting, realized in Lima, Perú, the German Sparkassenstiftung launched the call for applications for its “Silver Solutions” program, which seeks innovative solutions to improve the financial inclusion of people over 60 years of age. 

Press article - June 22, 2023

In the face of an aging population, it is necessary to reduce the financial gap for the elderly.

One proposal is the German Sparkassenstiftung’s "Silver Finance: Financial Inclusion for Life" initiative. It addresses an important challenge in the region: the financial inclusion of an increasingly aging population. 

Press Release - June 14, 2023

BID Lab and German Sparkassenstiftung Sign Technical Cooperation Agreement

IDB Lab and German Sparkassenstiftung signed a technical cooperation agreement called "Silver Finance: Financial Inclusion for Life". This initiative seeks to expand financial inclusion and reduce the digital divide of the population over-60 in the Latin American and Caribbean region.